
Justin Cobb on Traits that Successful Business Owners Must Have

Business / January 4, 2019

Running any kind of business is complex. It is not as easy as just investing money and implementing a good business idea. There a lot of things that come into play behind the scenes to have a successful business running. Moreover, aside from all the technical things that business owners must learn and go through, there are also certain traits that should be developed, honed, or possessed to help manage a business successfully. We spoke with Justin Cobb about some of the useful traits that successful business owners must have.

Problem Solving Skills

A good business owner or entrepreneur must also be a good problem solver. As mentioned, running a business is complex. Sometimes, there are issues along the way that need solving so the business will continue running. There are financial problems, people problems, marketing problems, operational problems, and the likes. Having critical problem-solving skills will help you untangle these problems or others that may come.

Effective Delegation

Being a business owner or entrepreneur sometimes makes you want to do everything to ensure that things go according to plan. However, there is only one you and you only have less than 24 hours to work the ropes of your business daily. Hence, for a successful business, you must hone the skill of effective delegation. Know when to let other people do some of your tasks so you can use your time and expertise on other pressing matters. This will not only be beneficial to you personally, but it will also encourage teamwork, as well as heighten your team’s productivity.

Frugal and Financially Strategic

Being frugal and financially strategic are also traits that you want to develop if you want to have a successful business. These two should come hand in hand and not one over the other. You cannot only be frugal, but you should also be financially strategic. Establish a budget, keep track of your finances, use credit cards (if you must), and pay off your debts accordingly. Moreover, know when to minimize business cost, when to make the right spending decisions, and when to say no.


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