
Justin Cobb on Reasons Why Startups Need Online Marketing

Business / November 2, 2018

New companies are launched daily. This makes it complex for clients and customers alike to determine which services and/or products are reliable. In these cases, entrepreneurs for startup businesses need to determine useful marketing strategies that they can execute for their business to stand out from their competitors. One useful strategy for almost any kind of business is using online marketing. Online marketing has many great benefits that startup business can take advantage of. We spoke to Justin Cobb and he gave us some reasons why online marketing can be good for startup businesses.

Cost Effective

Online marketing is a cost-effective strategy for getting your business out there. This type of marketing strategy will not drain your resources or budget as opposed to trying to get newspaper, radio, or television slots. With a meager budget, you will be able to market your business as often as you would like.

Target Specific

Targeting a specific kind of audience may be a bit tough especially if you are not an expert in marketing. However, with online marketing this task will turn out to be a bit easier even when you have less marketing experience. You can run some campaigns for specific types of potential clients and buyers. Most social media platforms, website plug-ins, and the like provide statistical insights and analytics on your audiences so you can study and improve your marketing every time you execute it. This will, overall, make sure that you will be able to tap into the right clients and buyers easily and cost-effectively.

Excellent Client Interaction and Engagement

Interaction and engagement are useful ways of nudging your clients into trusting you or selecting your products and/or services. However, other forms of marketing strategies do not provide interaction or engagement to your clients. With online marketing, you will be able to engage your potential clients in real time. You will be able to converse and discuss with your clients, allow them to inquire and give feedback and more! Most clients love this as they feel some connection to you, your brand, and your business.


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