
Finding the Right Career Mentor

Business / June 25, 2021

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to find a mentor to help you in your career. A mentor can provide you with many advantages in your journey to success. Networking opportunities, market advice, product knowledge. Access to skills and tools to understand your industry. Different people will come with different skills and sets of ideas. So choosing the right person could have a real impact on where your career path leads. We asked Justin Cobb for some tips on finding the right mentor.

1. Communication

A mentor should be direct and straightforward. You don’t need someone to make you feel good. You need someone who will help you to avoid the pitfalls of business. So they should be confident and direct enough to help you see problems before they happen. You are not looking for a friend. You are looking for a person you can trust to tell you when you are getting it wrong.

2. Criteria

You need to have a list of criteria for what you need in a mentor. If you don’t know what you want, you’ll get what you get. If you don’t understand what you want from a mentor, then how can they help you? Sit down and make a list of skills and knowledge you would like a mentor to have. Network and interact within your industry, and evaluate people you meet to see if they fit.

3. Appreciation

When you find the right person to help you on your journey to success, don’t take without giving. Show appreciation for the help you get. Both by letting them know how much it means to you, and by paying it forward. The fact that you are being mentored doesn’t mean you can’t be a mentor too. Once you have a good grasp of how the industry works, it’s time to help others.


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