In today’s busy times, no business can afford to lose time by not travelling in the most effective way. However, if you are in high demand then travel is inevitable. So how exactly do you make the most of your travel and ensure that you travel in the most efficient way possible? Entrepreneur and public speaker Justin Cobb has spent years perfecting his travel skills and he was recently asked to share some of his advice.
He said, ‘Travel is an unavoidable part of my job, and some time ago I realised just how much time I was wasting getting to and from appointments. I made a promise to myself that I would revolutionise the way in which I travel, and this has made a huge impact on my overall efficiency. My first tip would be to say that it is always worth paying a little extra to be able to travel in more comfort. You will be able to get a lot more work done if you are travelling first class on a train rather than economy, or business class on a plane. When travelling by road I often hire a driver so that I am free to write emails, make phone calls and plan my diary in the back of the car. I make sure that not a minute is wasted and this has meant that I have been achieving far more during my travel time.
It is especially important that you make the most of journeys when you are on your way to an important business meeting – you should be preparing and planning, not just sitting around and waiting to arrive. Another suggestion that I would make is that you hand your diary planning over to someone who is skilled in that area. A good Personal Assistant will be able to plan your day far more efficiently than you could so any cost is offset by the amount of stress that it reduces. Finally, I would suggest that you use resources such as online diaries, list makers and time saving apps in order to make the most of technology.’
Making the most of every business trip could revolutionise the way in which you work but it is a step that you must take if you want to make the most out of every minute. Never miss an opportunity to tick off an email, make a phone call or simply read an industry magazine to keep abreast of developments.