
Justin Cobb’s 5 New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

Latest News / December 28, 2018

As a successful global entrepreneur, Justin Cobb knows that the new year is a perfect time to reevaluate and think about ways to improve your business, and yourself. We sat down with him, and asked him for suggestions for new years resolutions that entrepreneurs could use to streamline their lives.

1. Learn More

Even if you know everything there is to know about your business, there’s always more to pick up, and expanding your knowledge base makes you a more well-rounded person and entrepreneur. Taking a night class in public speaking, accounting, time management or marketing could give you the edge you need. Justin Cobb believes in living your life in the mindset of a student, always looking to learn and grow.

2. Make a Plan

Many entrepreneurs drift through the entire year following the preset patterns that have helped them to be successful over time. But the most successful people have a plan. Setting out your vision for what you want to achieve over the course of the year will let you know if you’re falling short or right on track.

3. Work on your Health

Being successful means working hard. These two things are inseparable. Any successful entrepreneur knows that without putting in maximum effort, they will never achieve maximum results. However, the only way a person can consistently put in the maximum effort is when they are in peak form. That means being healthy and taking care of your body. Find time to put that gym membership to good use, and eat healthier, and your productivity will skyrocket.

4. Listen More

Justin Cobb knows that the people who work for you are your best resource, and at times it can be easy to forget that. Especially when profits are high, it is easy to start believing that everything you are doing is right, and nothing should change. Employees are often the first to see problems at a grassroots level and fixing those problems before they become major issues could save you time and money. Take time to listen to colleagues and employees, even if you disagree.

5. Update Your Website

The internet is an ever-evolving and changing place. If you aren’t paying attention to your web presence, you could be losing customers. For instance, over 50% of internet searches are now done on mobile, and only an estimated 16% of the internet sites that exist are ready to display on mobile. Even if you spend the rest of the year ignoring your website, it’s a good plan to review it at least once per year, to make sure it meets current standards. It could be losing you a lot of business otherwise.


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