
Justin Cobb On Exclusive Industry Events And Why He Hosts Them

Uncategorized / May 28, 2018

Alas, the month of May has once again returned, and so the events roll in, and Justin’s diary is bursting full with meetings, seminars and galas to attend and host. Year on year the list grows longer as more events are held in new cities across the US and the UK, and this year Justin Cobb traveled to cities including London, Chicago,  NY, Jacksonville, and Dallas.

Attending all of these conferences that he has a hand in organizing and running, Justin Cobb puts everything into making these events memorable, educational and most importantly, impactful. Justin liaises with his in-house event coordinators to put together classy receptions, inspiring seminars and rich black tie events that showcase the growth and expansion of his organization and uses these events as a symbol of what is achievable when you push boundaries and break records by working hard.

Justin Cobb carefully plans the speeches and selects each key speaker per event, including their topic, which he decides based on who has made the most impact and has had the most success in each area. For example, the manager with the biggest social media influence at the time will be invited to speak about his methods and share his results on stage. Justin Cobb has grown his organization from education, his success stems greatly from his work ethic but most of all, from his passion for and his consistent teaching methods to train and impact his business partners. “We shouldn’t be showing people how well we’re doing, we should only be showing them how to do well for themselves,” Says Justin Cobb.

This is the main reason why Justin Cobb’s business partners are excited to attend these special events every year without fail, and it’s because Justin has built a reputation for himself and the events he hosts, as everybody in attendance is sure to learn, be inspired and be impacted to great lengths.


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Justin Cobb Talks About Mentors; How Do You Know If You Have One?

  Mentors are essential in life, both in or outside of business, and we all have one even if we are not conscious...

May 20, 2018