
Justin Cobb Imparts Some Tips on Being a Better Leader

Business / April 26, 2019

Studies have shown that over 50 percent of people who have quit a job before, did so because of bad management. As entrepreneurs, we like to believe that we naturally have what it takes to be a good leader. But are we really being the best leaders we can be? It certainly would be a positive for any business if it never had to lose key talent due to bad leadership. We talked to Justin Cobb and asked if there were any specific, learnable concepts an entrepreneur could use to improve their leadership.

Have a Mentor Attitude

One of the common problems with those who manage people is that they spend most of their time making sure they benefit from the arrangement. But a good leader knows that when their people thrive, their business thrives, and therefore they thrive too. Your key goal as a leader should be to build up the people who work for you and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Lead From Example

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘lead by example’, which means that you should strive to be a person that your team will want to emulate. But what about leading from example? In other words, find yourself a leader or mentor who inspires and motivates you. Then take those lessons that you learn and apply them to your own leadership style. Being a leader doesn’t mean you know everything. You should seek to always have someone who is just as much a mentor to you, as you are to others.

Listen and Speak Equally

It’s all too tempting, when we are in the role of leader, to think that what we have to say is incredibly important. Of course, in many cases, it is, since we are imparting our knowledge of success to others. But if we’re not listening, then we’re just talking with no purpose. Listening to other people allows you to process their needs, and understand what it is that they need to hear in order to improve. Don’t just sit down and blast your people with information. Listen, understand, and then choose what you need to say carefully.


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