
Managing Your Own Business PR

Business / June 4, 2021

Many entrepreneurs go straight to a PR firm to manage their reputation. But for smaller companies this can be an unnecessary expense early on. Even for larger businesses, there is no reason you can’t keep your PR in-house. There are many benefits to controlling that space yourself. We have some key tips for being your own PR department.

Do Some Writing

One of the easiest ways to gain press coverage is to do some writing yourself. Write some guest posts in industry-specific blogs. Put some articles out there on press sites that accept submissions. Keep your writing about related topics, and not about your business. That way it doesn’t seem like an advertisement, but you still get exposure.

Be Easy to Cover

When a journalist wants to write about your business, can they find the information they need? Do you have press info on your website? Links to articles about your business? Details of the company and your mission? Images and logos necessary to supplement the article. Ready availability of this information will make you easier to cover.

Write Press Releases

Journalists looking for stories often start from press releases and expand them. Stick to the information and keep it short, compact, and informative. Put out regular press releases about your company. Then there’s more chance of bigger media outlets picking up and covering them. Journalists like companies that make it easy for them.

Target Your Approaches

Don’t cast too wide a net with your press coverage fishing. If you’re a new company, you will not be getting featured in a broadsheet newspaper. Avoid wasting your time on irrelevant niche publications too. If your company makes bicycle parts, then there’s no point in approaching PC Gamer. Find a few niche publications that cover your industry or appeal to your customer base. Approach them with stories and you are more likely to get coverage.


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