
Excitement Mounts as Justin Cobb Moves to New Office Space

Global / August 7, 2015

One of the surest signs of growth is when you know that you’ve outgrown your current office space. Knowing that he needed more room, Justin Cobb began looking for larger premises. Although he could have gone just a step or two up from his current location, Justin opted for a 4,000 sq. ft. office in the prestigious financial district of New York.

“Although this is a bit more space than we currently need,” Justin explains, “I see it as being room to grow. We have been forging ahead in new markets, I have been speaking around the globe and one thing I am excited about is having space available as we continue adding more entrepreneurial people.”

Justin also talks about how having that extra office space serves as a motivator. When space is limited, there isn’t a huge need to push ahead because there just isn’t room to accommodate more work. However, as Justin Cobb says, “Having that visual in front of us every day, it reminds us that we have grown, we are growing each and every day and we will continue to grow.”

One of the problems that many entrepreneurs face is becoming complacent. Justin Cobb warns that complacency is the chief deterrent to growth. With visuals like that empty space just waiting to be filled with enthusiastic entrepreneurs like himself, he feels his team will continue to forge ahead without becoming content with the status quo. “Knowing there is room to grow is huge,” he says, “because we see that vacant space, think about how much more we can accomplish with a larger team and then work towards needing those extra bodies.”

When speaking at motivational seminars, Justin Cobb often advises directors and team leaders to keep a chart in plain sight so that each person knows where he or she is in terms of success. A chart also shows how far that person has climbed and how much farther he/she has to go. Having that extra office space is better than a chart, Justin Cobb believes, because it isn’t just a visual representation but it is office space right here in the real world, in real time. It is tangible, something that can be touched simply by walking through the door.

“Yes, you need to have space to grow but even more importantly, that space reminds you that there is room to grow so that you keep pushing forward.” Justin Cobb and his team are excited by the move into larger and more prestigious quarters but they are also excited by the prospect of growth that empty space signifies.


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